Lo studio legale Prica&Partners, associato a Confindustria Serbia, ci ricorda le modifiche alla Legge sull’imposta sul valore aggiunto.
The Law on Amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 94/2024. the “Law”) came into force on December 15, 2024. For the most part the Law will start to apply as of January 1, 2025.
- Preliminary Tax Return
Introduction of the preliminary value added tax return is one of the most significant changes to the Law. Provisions regarding the preliminary tax return will start to apply from the January 2026 tax period, i.e. the January-March 2026 period.
The preliminary tax return represents a set of data related to the supply of goods, the supply of services, the import of goods, and other transactions and activities that affect the tax liability of a VAT taxpayer and is prepared in the Electronic Invoicing System (“SEF”).
- Changes to the VAT base
The Law regulates in more detail the conditions and procedures in cases of increase or decrease in the tax base, particularly in relation to the VAT taxpayer who has carried out the supply of goods and services, as well as depending on whether the recipient of the goods and services is in the VAT system or not, i.e., whether they have the right to input tax deduction.
- Input Tax Deduction
The general conditions for the right to deduct input tax have remained unchanged.
The method for determining the tax period for which a VAT taxpayer can exercise this right has been regulated. Specifically, a VAT taxpayer can exercise the right to deduct input tax for a tax period based on an electronic invoice if the electronic invoice is accepted no later than the 10th day of the calendar month following the tax period.
L’elenco di tutte le modifiche potete consultare al seguente LINK.